HLF Lawyers are experts and well experienced in handling legal matters as the following:

We provide legal services in handling banking & financial matters as the following:a. Banking Issue in general
b. Legal matters concerning “Syindicated Loan”
c. Legal matters due to “Secured Financing”
e. Legal matters in relation to “Letters Of Credit”
f. Legal Matters related to “Leasing”
g. Providing Legal Opinion in relation to Banking Law.

We provide legal services for private companies/contractors in infrastucture, State Owned Enterprises, as well as relevant Government Institution, which consist of providing Legal Opinion concerning procurement for particular infrastructure development project, drafting and making Work Agreement, Construction Agreement, and other relevant agreements.
We assist client during investigation as well as represent client before the court.
We assist client during investigation at the Police, Attorney Office and the KPK, as well as represent client before the court, higher court to appeal, and the Supreme Court for cassation and Juridical Review
We represent Client before the court, higher Court to Appeal, and the Supreme Court for Cassation and Juridical Review.
We represent client before the court, higher court to appeal as well as the supreme court for cassation and juridical review, to reach settlement emphasizing on trade/commercial transaction and/or commercial issue.
We represent clients to settle their Trade Coorporation/commercial dispute under the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board such as the Arbitration.
We provide legal opinion in relation to Law concerning Oil & Gas, and Law concerning Mineral & Mining, drating and making relevant agreements (contracts) related to the oil and gas, mineral and mining as well as other relevant agreements.
We provide legal services for plantation companies that confront environment pollution issue by assisting as well as representing client before the court. We also provide legal opinion in relation to Law concerning Enviromental Protection and Management so as plantation enterprises in runniing their business activity in plantation do not contaminate and ruin the environment around their plantation area.
We provide legal services for shipping companies in confronting maritime issues by handling issues/cases related to water transportation, ship, shipping tract, shipping trailblazer, ship mortgage, recievable on shipping, port, Shipping Safety and security, and sea worthy.
We provide legal services for property developer companies and individual in confronting ownership on land and building issues related to the validity of the Free Hold Title, right to build title, right to cultivate, and right to use title, including the dispute on ownership that required to be settle through court.
We provide legal services for companies and individual that confront taxation issues related to land and building tax, local taxes and retribution, prepaid tax, output tax, direct tax, input tax, income tax, corporate income tax, personal income tax, sales tax on luxury goods, value added tax, indirect tax and witholding tax. We also represent client before the taxation court.
We provide legal services for both domestic and foreign companies that intend to merge, consolidate, and acquire/take over, as well as providing legal advise in term that a company intend to undergo share holder meeting, arrange the legal aspect concerning manpower/employment, and arrange as well as provide legal opinion concerning corporate matters in general, including arranging and proposing companies’ permits and approvals.
We handle manpower issue for domestic and foreign companies as well as for individual. The legal aspect of manpower we handle consist of planning, drafting and making the company regulation, assisting and representing company to negotiating with labor union of the company with the intention to planning, drafting and making the collective labor agreement, planning, drafting and making work agreement in the proper manner and pursuant to the applicable relevant manpower/employment law for company, representing company at the bipartite, mediation at the official manpower institutionWe also provide legal opinion on manpower/employment for companies that intend to arrange and manage their policy related to the manpower/employment aspect, and for those companies confronting manpower disputes.