
Hapsari Sulistyorini, SH., LL.M, gained her bachelor of law from Universitas Indonesia in 2000. Prior to joining HLF in 2017, she started out her career in law as business and investment law consultant at Lexindo Consulting, and at one of the top tier law firm in Indonesia, Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputro (ABNR). She thereafter continued her study for the master degree in Leiden University, the Netherland, majoring in Internasional Business Law, and gained LL.M in 2003, and later on returned and joined with ABNR. She subsequently joined and worked as a legal counsel at oil and gas and geothermal company. Prior to joining HLF in 2017, she worked for almost 9 years (2008 – 2017) with the last position as the Head of Legal Counsel in Supreme Energy, one of the geothermal developer company in Indonesia which supports the development of geothermal in Indonesia. Her contribution was significant in assisting the company achieving Project Financing at the value of hundreds of millions United States Dollar from multilateral banks in 2017. Hapsari Sulistyorini is the member of Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI) and a licensed lawyer to practice in the Indonesian courts. With her expertise and experience in the commercial, investment and energy laws, she will strengthen the commercial, investment and energy lawyers team.
